This LEED Operations and Maintenance project chose to focus on two green lodges within Zion National Park as part of the concessionaire, Xanterra Parks & Resorts, commitment to sustainability.
A LEED master site was developed and reviewed; two individual lodges were analyzed and documented for LEED-EBOM certification.
Sentinel Lodge is entirely composed of hotel rooms.
Central initiatives to better manage energy and reduce its carbon footprint, including:
- 100% Renewable Energy Offsets
- LED Nightlights in all motel rooms
- Recycled content carpet throughout Motel rooms
- ISO 14001 certification
- Reduced fleet by 23% in 2010, reduce fuel consumption by 43.2% in 2010
- Installed Melink Intelli-Hood in kitchen
- Winner of the Utah Department of Environmental Quality Pollution Prevention Association Outstanding Achievement Award for guest outreach
- Received Green Seal Lodging Certification (GS-33) Gold level, becoming one of only three hotels certified at that level
- 100% Off-Set of Overnight Guest Carbon emissions through renewable energy purchases
- First property to eliminate the sale of bottled water
- Provide each staff member with BPA-free water bottle
- Implemented a Green Cleaning Plan compliant with GS-42 standard
- Improved retail outreach on environmentally preferable products using a scorecard system
- Outreach signage on recycling and climate change were added to the restroom stalls in the lodge
- Park Beautification Day included participation of 6 employees who cleaned waste receptacles and collected litter
- Installed a re-circulating cooling water system for the walk-in coolers (water savings 800,000 gallons)
- Received Utah Pollution Prevention Association 2012 Meritorious Achievement Award